2023 August Login Campaign
August 2023 Login Campaign≫

The August 2023 Login Campaign will be held during the period given below.

Repeat Login Campaign No. 122 Login Point Acquisition Period:
Monday, August 9, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. (PDT) to Wednesday, September 2, 2023, at 7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Monday, August 9, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. (GMT) to Wednesday, September 2, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. (BST)
Wednesday, August 10, at 0:00 a.m. (JST) to Wednesday, September 2, at 23:00 p.m. (JST)

Repeat Login Campaign No. 122 Login Point Exchange Period:
Monday, August 9, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. (PDT) to Tuesday, September 9, 2023, at 7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Monday, August 9, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. (GMT) to Tuesday, September 9, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. (BST)
Wednesday, August 10, at 0:00 a.m. (JST) to Tuesday, September 9, at 23:00 p.m. (JST)

The following is a list of prizes obtainable from the Greeter Moogle during Repeat Login Campaign No. 122.[1]

  • Highlighted items cannot be transferred between characters on the same account.
10 points
01126 Beastmen's Seal Exclusive 01127 Kindred's Seal Exclusive 02955 Kindred's Crest Exclusive 02956 High Kindred's Crest Exclusive
02957 Sacred Kindred's Crest Exclusive 01857 Cordial Invite SendableExclusive 02306 Martial Ball Invite SendableExclusive 05364 Training Grounds Key SendableExclusive
02487 Mercenary Camp Entry SendableRareExclusive 05741 Pest Repellent SendableExclusive 03557 Athena Orb SendableExclusive 05113 Cracked Nut SendableExclusive
03541 Seasoning Stone Exclusive 03543 Fossilized Fang 03542 Fossilized Bone 05724 Pungent Powder
06535 Pungent Powder II
100 points
08734 Kupon I-S1 Exclusive 08966 Eudaemon Blade 08967 Eudaemon Cape 08968 Eudaemon Ring
08969 Eudaemon Sash 08970 Eudaemon Shield 17006 Drill Calamary SendableExclusive 17007 Dwarf Pugil SendableExclusive
21967 Melon Slicer RareExclusive 10112 Cipher: Zeid RareExclusive 10113 Cipher: Lion RareExclusive 10118 Cipher: Naja RareExclusive
10120 Cipher: Lehko RareExclusive 10124 Cipher: Luzaf RareExclusive 10125 Cipher: Najelith RareExclusive 10129 Cipher: Domina RareExclusive
10134 Cipher: Star Sibyl RareExclusive 10142 Cipher: Karaha RareExclusive 10149 Cipher: Areuhat RareExclusive 10136 Cipher: Uka RareExclusive
10141 Cipher: Kuyin RareExclusive 10144 Cipher: Abenzio RareExclusive 10145 Cipher: Rughadjeen RareExclusive 10150 Cipher: Lhe RareExclusive
10151 Cipher: Mayakov RareExclusive 10155 Cipher: Brygid RareExclusive 10156 Cipher: Mildaurion RareExclusive 10161 Cipher: Rongelouts RareExclusive
10166 Cipher: Robel-Akbel RareExclusive 10178 Cipher: Ullegore RareExclusive 10179 Cipher: Teodor RareExclusive 10183 Cipher: Darrcuiln RareExclusive
10068 ♪Coeurl RareExclusive 10072 ♪Adamantoise RareExclusive 10075 ♪Red Raptor RareExclusive 10081 ♪Noble Chocobo RareExclusive
300 points
10187 Cipher: Shantotto II RareExclusive 20668 Firetongue Exclusive 21965 Zanmato Exclusive 21867 Sha Wujing's Lance Exclusive
03722 Lion Statue RareExclusive 03720 Arciela Statue RareExclusive 03732 Crimson Chest Exclusive 22017 Seika Uchiwa Exclusive
25774 Fancy Gilet RareExclusive 25775 Fancy Top RareExclusive 25838 Fancy Trunks RareExclusive 25839 Fancy Shorts RareExclusive
26514 Poroggo Fleece Exclusive 03743 Moogle Bed Exclusive 03718 Adoulinian Tomatoes Exclusive 22153 Silver Gun Exclusive
03748 Leafkin Bed Exclusive 23803 Poroggo Cassock Exclusive 03752 Colibri Bed Exclusive
500 points
Ageist ingame Poison Axe ingame Magician's Rod ingame
750 points
03885 Melodious Plans RareExclusive 03886 Timbre Case Kit RareExclusive 03887 Musichinery Kit RareExclusive 03339 Honey Wine SendableRare
03341 Beastly Shank SendableRare 03343 Blue Pondweed SendableRare
1000 points
06499 Patio Design Plans RareExclusive 26164 Caliber Ring SendableRareExclusive 26165 Facility Ring SendableRareExclusive 06486 Frayed Sack (Pel)
06487 Frayed Sack (Fer) Sendable 06488 Frayed Sack (Tau)
1500 points
03342 Savory Shank Rare 03340 Sweet Tea Rare 03344 Red Pondweed Rare


See also: Repeat Login Campaign
