August 2017 Login Campaign
≪August 2017 Login Campaign≫

The August 2017 Login Campaign will be held during the period given below.

Repeat Login Campaign No. 50 Login Point Acquisition Period:
Thursday, August 10 at 8:00 a.m. (PDT) to Saturday, September 2 at 7:00 a.m. (PDT)

Repeat Login Campaign No. 50 Login Point Exchange Period:
Thursday, August 10 at 8:00 a.m. (PDT) to Saturday, September 9 at 7:00 a.m. (PDT)

Read on for details.

The following is a list of prizes obtainable from the Greeter Moogle during Repeat Login Campaign No. 50.[1]

10 points
Beastmen's Seal Exclusive Kindred's Seal Exclusive Kindred's Crest Exclusive High Kindred's Crest Exclusive
Sacred Kindred's Crest Exclusive Cordial Invite ExclusiveAccount Martial Ball Invite ExclusiveAccount Training Grounds Key ExclusiveAccount
Mercenary Camp Entry ExclusiveAccount Pest Repellent ExclusiveAccount Athena Orb ExclusiveAccount Cracked Nut ExclusiveAccount
Seasoning Stone Exclusive Fossilized Fang Fossilized Bone Pungent Powder ExclusiveAccount
100 points
Mog Kupon I-S1 ExclusiveAccount Eudaemon Blade Eudaemon Cape Eudaemon Ring
Eudaemon Sash Eudaemon Shield Drill Calamary ExclusiveAccount Dwarf Pugil ExclusiveAccount
Heartbeater Exclusive Hoshikazu Tekko RareExclusiveAccount Enyo's Gauntlets RareExclusiveAccount Nemain's Cuffs RareExclusiveAccount
Anu's Gages RareExclusiveAccount Njord's Gloves RareExclusiveAccount Primacy Plans ExclusiveAccount Bloodshed Plans ExclusiveAccount
Ritualistic Plans ExclusiveAccount Umbrage Plans ExclusiveAccount Tutelary Plans ExclusiveAccount
300 points
Seika Uchiwa Exclusive Tsukikazu Gote RareExclusiveAccount Phobos's Gauntlets RareExclusiveAccount Bodb's Cuffs RareExclusiveAccount
Ea's Dastanas RareExclusiveAccount Freyr's Gloves RareExclusiveAccount ♪Magic Pot RareExclusive
500 points
170510 04170612 01Xzomit Mount
750 points
Kitchen Brick RareExclusive Kitchen Stove RareExclusive Kitchen Plate RareExclusive Frayed Sack (A1) ExclusiveAccount
Frayed Sack (M1) ExclusiveAccount Frayed Sack (H1) ExclusiveAccount Moat Carp Creel Rare Honey Wine Rare
Beastly Shank Rare Blue Pondweed Rare Hikazu Gote RareExclusiveAccount Deimos's Gauntlets RareExclusiveAccount
Macha's Cuffs RareExclusiveAccount Enlil's Kolluks RareExclusiveAccount Freya's Gloves RareExclusiveAccount
1,000 points
Mog Patio Plans RareExclusive Caliber Ring RareExclusiveAccount Facility Ring RareExclusiveAccount Frayed Sack (Pel)
Frayed Sack (Fer) Frayed Sack (Tau) Eschalixir +1 Refractive Crystal
Genta Gote RareExclusiveAccount Ate's Gauntlets RareExclusiveAccount Neit's Cuffs RareExclusiveAccount Namru's Dastanas RareExclusiveAccount
Idi's Gloves RareExclusiveAccount
1,500 points
Savory Shank Rare Sweet Tea Rare Red Pondweed Rare


See also: Repeat Login Campaign
