
Atmacite of Onslaught

Atmacite of Onslaught
The physical agglomeration of a Voidwalker's soul energies, said to be the source of its otherworldly powers.
Possible spoil from the Riftworn Pyxis left behind upon the defeat of Murk-Veined Baneberry.
Similar to an Abyssean Atma, characters possessing this Atmacite and a Periapt of Emergence can be infused with powers and abilities beyond that which is normally available to them via an Atmacite Refiner.

Level Upgrade Cost (Cruor) Effect
1 N/A DEX +1, AGI +1, Spell Interruption Rate down 2%
2 10,000 DEX +1, AGI +2, Spell Interruption Rate down 4%
3 20,000 DEX +1, AGI +3, Spell Interruption Rate down 6%
4 30,000 DEX +2, AGI +4, Spell Interruption Rate down 8%
5 40,000 DEX +2, AGI +5, Spell Interruption Rate down 10%
6 50,000 DEX +2, AGI +6, Spell Interruption Rate down 12%
7 50,000 DEX +3, AGI +7, Spell Interruption Rate down 14%
8 50,000 DEX +3, AGI +8, Spell Interruption Rate down 16%
9 50,000 DEX +3, AGI +9, Spell Interruption Rate down 18%
10 50,000 DEX +4, AGI +10, Spell Interruption Rate down 20%
11 60,000 DEX +4, AGI +11, Spell Interruption Rate down 22%
12 70,000 DEX +4, AGI +12, Spell Interruption Rate down 24%
13 80,000 DEX +5, AGI +13, Spell Interruption Rate down -26%
14 90,000 DEX +5, AGI +14, Spell Interruption Rate down -28%
15 100,000 DEX +5, AGI +15, Spell Interruption Rate down -30%