Atmacite of Enticement
The physical agglomeration of a Voidwalker's soul energies, said to be the source of its otherworldly powers.
Possible spoil from the Riftworn Pyxis left behind upon the defeat of Celaeno.
Similar to an Abyssean Atma, characters possessing this Atmacite and a Periapt of Emergence can be infused with powers and abilities beyond that which is normally available to them via an Atmacite Refiner.
Note: Update 2012/03/26 has now renamed this atmacite from Atmacite of Exhortation
The "other" Atmacite of Exhortation is now named Atmacite of Promises. It's still named Atmacite of Exhortation in game.
Level | Upgrade Cost (Cruor) | Effect |
1 | N/A | MP +1%, CHR +1, Magic Accuracy +1 |
2 | 30,000 | MP +1%, CHR +2, Magic Accuracy +1 |
3 | 30,000 | MP +2%, CHR +3, Magic Accuracy +1 |
4 | 40,000 | MP +2%, CHR +4, Magic Accuracy +2 |
5 | 50,000 | MP +3%, CHR +5, Magic Accuracy +2, Sphere: Regen +1 |
6 | 60,000 | MP +3%, CHR +6, Magic Accuracy +2, Sphere: Regen +1 |
7 | 70,000 | MP +4%, CHR +7, Magic Accuracy +3, Sphere: Regen +1 |
8 | 80,000 | MP +4%, CHR +8, Magic Accuracy +3, Sphere: Regen +1 |
9 | 80,000 | MP +5% CHR +9, Magic Accuracy +3, Sphere: Regen +2 |
10 | 80,000 | MP +5%, CHR +10, Magic Accuracy +4, Sphere: Regen +2 |
11 | 90,000 | MP +6%, CHR +11, Magic Accuracy +4, Sphere: Regen +2 |
12 | 100,000 | MP +7%, CHR +12, Magic Accuracy +4, Sphere: Regen +2 |
13 | 100,000 | MP +8%, CHR +13, Magic Accuracy +5, Sphere: Regen +3 |
14 | 100,000 | MP +9%, CHR +14, Magic Accuracy +5, Sphere: Regen +3 |
15 | 100,000 | MP +10% CHR +15 Magic Accuracy +5 Sphere "Regen" +3 |