
Antican Pauldron


Icon background
Antican pauldron
This piece of shoulder armor is worn
by Antican warriors. It cannot be
worn by people.
Stackable: 12

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: 100~102 gil

Synthesis Recipes[]


Used in Recipes[]

Desynthesis Recipes[]

Smithing (78/89)
Yield: Bronze Ingot x 2
HQ 1: Darksteel Ingot x 1
Lightning Crystal
  • 1 x Antican Pauldron
Smithing (78/89)
Yield: Bronze Sheet x 2
HQ 1: Darksteel Sheet x 1
Wind Crystal
  • 1 x Antican Pauldron

Obtained from Desynthesis[]

  • None

How to Obtain[]

Auction House Category: Others > Beast-made Ffxiah-small
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.

Dropped By[]

Name Level Zone
Antican Auxiliarius 35-39 Eastern Altepa Desert
Antican Decurio 44-49 Eastern Altepa Desert
Antican Veles 50-52 Eastern Altepa Desert
Antican Centurio 50-52 Eastern Altepa Desert
Antican Eques 45-49 Western Altepa Desert
Antican Secutor 54-58 Western Altepa Desert
Antican Hoplomachus 54-58 Western Altepa Desert
Antican Princeps 52-59 Quicksand Caves
Antican Hastatus 52-59 Quicksand Caves
Antican Antesignanus 62-72 Quicksand Caves
Antican Triarius 62-72 Quicksand Caves
Antican Praefectus (NM) 65 Quicksand Caves
Antican Magister (NM) 66 Quicksand Caves
Antican Consul (NM) 75 Quicksand Caves
Antican Legatus (NM) 72-74 Quicksand Caves
Tribunus VII-I (NM) 60-62 Quicksand Caves
Triarius X-XV (NM) 72-74 Quicksand Caves
Proconsul XII (NM) 72 Quicksand Caves

Historical Background[]

A pauldron is laminated armor for the shoulder extending at the front and rear to protect the armpit.
