Zone |
Level |
Drops |
Steal |
Spawns |
Notes |
50-52 |
3 |
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants |
Historical Background[]
In the Roman army, the Centurio (rendered into English as Centurion) was the commander of the Century (a unit of 100 soldiers). They were the highest non-commissioned officers in the army. They were aided by Signifers, Optios (deputies who were 2nd in command to the Centurion in the Century), the Tesserarii (Sentry commanders) and the Custos Armorum (Armorer). Centurios were professional soldiers who supervised fighting on the battlefield. Centurios had different grades which would determine which century within the Cohort (the larger division of soldiers) they would command. There were 6 Centurio in a Cohort. Centurios wore ornate, decorated armor. All of their armor and equipment was elaborate. The helmets they wore were of a Roman-Corinthian-type design. They carried a staff made of vinewood called a vitis, which was an emblem of their office as well as numerous medallions. Centurios were very prized officers and were often moved around between legions and provinces. Centurios served until their deaths.