For the Trust Magic version of this NPC, see Trust: Adelheid.
Campaign Battle Ally NPC
- Appears during Campaign Battles in Grauberg (S) and Bastok Markets (S) as the leader of the 2nd Legion Scouts. Also appears in Ruhotz Silvermines during the quest Fire in the Hole.
- Summons various status ailment "tubes" (e.g. Silence Tube, Stun Tube, etc.) into the battle. These Tubes inflict a status ailment on opposing forces in an area of effect.
- Casts all Tier IV spells and all spells available to a Red Mage (Dia III, Gravity, Bind, Silence, etc.) Also uses Stun and Sleepga II.
- Like most unique generals she has a distinct weapon, in her case she wields Seveneyes.
- Uses Seraph Strike for ~200 damage, and Judgment for 500+ damage, but won't naturally walk within melee range. Also uses Moonlight and Starlight.
- Uses Tabula Rasa.
- Talk: ...Heavy infantry, five columns of 200... Two 100-knight regiments... Enemy force casualties estimated at 5,000... Oh, I apologize, soldier. I've spent the past few nights preparing for a joint operation with San d'Oria's Royal Knights.
- Battle Cry: A good soldier always comes prepared. Hehehehe!
See Adelheid Sturm for information on the German wordplay at work in her name.