This is the second Paladin Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF2.
Start NPC Ailbeche - Northern San d'Oria (J-9)
Requirements Paladin 50+
San d'Oria Rank: 2 or
Bastok/Windurst Rank: 3
Items Needed Giant Shell Bug
Repeatable Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete
Reward Gallant Leggings
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Sharpening the Sword Under Oath and
Borghertz's Stalwart Hands


  • If you choose to buy the Giant Shell Bug this cutscene is still mandatory prior to trading the Shell bug to Ailbeche. You will be able to fish up the NM, but will not be able to proceed further without talking to Exoroche first.

*This quest can now be completed on any job, you don't have to be on Paladin from this point on.

  • Head to the Crawlers' Nest, go to the center section (Sac room) and then take the north-west tunnel at the top of I-9 on the first map. This will take you onto the second map, the one with the other exit to Rolanberry Fields. On this map, go to the west side of H-9 and you'll find a ??? click it to spawn the NM Dreadbug. The Dreadbug will drop one to four Giant Shell Bug. Alternatively, you can often find Giant Shell Bugs on the AH.
  • Trade the Giant Shell Bug to Ailbeche. (Note: You can do this after killing the NM, but you will lose the Giant Shell bug from fishing it up and will have to get another to trade to Ailbeche. You will not lose it if you trade it first..)
  • Head to Castle Oztroja.
  • Go beyond the Brass Door at I-8 on the first map. follow the stairs to the next map.
  • The lever changes every Vana'diel day, as all Castle Oztroja traps do.
  • If you pull the lever and run off the floorpit quickly, you can avoid falling into it.
  • Take the first right on this map, and keep going straight, following the path to travel to G-7, which leads to the upper floor of Mee Deggi's courtyard. See Map Here.
  • Follow the right wall to the doorway at I-7, which leads to a long staircase down to the basement.
  • Take a right at the end of the stairs, then take your first left, and take another immediate left and continue until you come to a room of with a round pool of water in the center at H-8 full of Oozes.
  • Anyone in your party (regardless of fishing skill) can fish as long as they are using the Giant Shell Bug as bait.
  • Seems to work with any fishing rod, although line breaks are possible. Fishing results will vary.
  • If you haven't fished before, it would be wise to practice fishing to avoid losing your Giant Shell Bug.
  • The Yagudo in the room respawn about every 8 minutes.

Game Description

Ailbeche (Parade Grounds, Northern San d'Oria)
All fishermen dream of hooking the big one. Catch him and obtain the treasure in his belly.