2021 July Update 2
≪Jul 12, 2021 (JST) Version Update≫
(quick link to new item details)

Face the mighty Shinryu in a new high-tier battlefield and enjoy the monthly updates to Ambuscade.



Key Item Merit Points Required
Key Item Wyrm God phantom gem 10

Players must have completed the battlefield The Wyrm God in order to purchase a Key Item Wyrm God phantom gem.
    • Location, Boss, and Entry Restrictions
Location Boss Entry Restrictions
Abyssea – Empyreal Paradox Shinryu No level restrictions
30 minutes
Six-person party

*Players must have a Key Item traverser stone and 10,000 cruor to teleport to Abyssea – Empyreal Paradox.
*Players with a Key Item crimson traverser stone need not spend any cruor.
*Temporary items may not be used within ★The Wyrm God, and any buffs will be removed upon entry.
*Atma effects are disabled in ★The Wyrm God.
*Foes' HP bars will display within ★The Wyrm God.
    • Exiting the Battlefield
      • Players may exit via the transcendental radiance within the battlefield.
      • Players will be removed from the battlefield once time expires.
  • Ambuscade has undergone the following additions and adjustments.
    • The foes in Normal and Intense Ambuscades have been swapped out.
      * As such, the corresponding Records of Eminence objectives have changed.
        2021 July v2
    • Certain items obtainable in exchange for hallmarks have been swapped out.
    • Certain items obtainable for total hallmarks have been swapped out.
    • Certain items obtainable in exchange for badges of gallantry have been swapped out.
  • The following monsters have undergone adjustments as a continuation of the level adjustment changes made in the June 2021 version update.
Vanasarvik / Brekekekex


  • New items have been added.
  • Prices at which the Pilgrim Moogle will purchase items will no longer change.
    *Some items this high prices were causing issues with the economy, and this change represents an adjustment to player ability to sell items to the Pilgrim Moogle for profit.
  • New items are now storable via the Porter Moogle.


  • The key item Mnejing’s Receiver now functions in the following areas as well:
Phanauet Channel / Carpenters' Landing / Manaclipper / Bibiki Bay / Uleguerand Range / Bearclaw Pinnacle / Attohwa Cham / Boneyard Gully / Pso'Xja / The Shrouded Maw / Oldton Movalpolos / Newton Movalpolos / Mine Shaft #2716 / Hall of Transference / Abyssea – Konschtat / Promyvion – Holla / Spire of Holla / Promyvion – Dem / Spire of Dem / Promivion – Mea / Spire of Mea / Promyvion – Vahzl / Spire of Vahzl / Lufaise Meadows / Misareaux Coast / Tavnazian Safehold / Phomiuna Aqueducts / Sacrarium / Riverne-Site #B01 / Riverne-Site #A01 / Monarch Linn / Sealion's Den / Al'Taieu / The Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi / The Garden of Ru'Hmet / Empyreal Paradox / Temenos / Apollyon / Dynamis – Valkurm / Dynamis – Buburimu / Dynamis – Qufim / Dynamis – Tavnazia / Diorama Abdhaljs – Ghelsba / Abdhaljs Isle – Purgonorgo / Abyssea- Tahrongi / Southern San d'Oria [S] / East Ronfaure [S] / Jugner Forest [S] / Vunkerl Inlet [S] / Batallia Downs [S] / La Vaule [S] / Bastok Markets [S] / North Gustaberg [S] / Grauberg [S] / Pashhow Marshl;ands [S] / Rolanberry Fields [S] / Bedeaux [S] /Windurst Waters [S] / West Sarutabaruta [S] / Fort Karugo-Narugo [S] / Meriphataud Mountains [S] / Sauromugue Champaign [S] / Castle Oztroja [S] / Cape Terrigan / Eastern Altepa Desert / The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah / Ro'Maeve / Yuhtunga Jungle / Yhoator Jungle / Western Altepa Desert / Valley of Sorrows / Ru'Aun Gardens / Abyssea – La Theine / Dynamis – Beaucedine / Dynamis – Xarcabard / Beaucedine Glacier [S] / Xarcabard [S] / Castle Zvahl Baileys / The Boyahda Tree / Dragon's Aery / Castle Zvahl Keep [S] / Throne Room [S] / Temple of Uggalepih / Den of Rancor / Sacrificial Chamber / Garlaige Citadel [S] / Chamber of Oracles / Full Moon Fountain / Crawlers' Nest [S] / Korroloka Tunnel / Kuftal Tunnel / Eldieme Necropolis / Sea Serpent Grotto / Ve'Lugannon Palace / The Shrine of Ru'Avitau / Stellar Fulcrum / La'Loff Ampitheater / Celestial Nexus / Walk of Echoes / Dynamis – San d'Oria / Dynamis – Bastok / Dynamis – Windurst / Dynamis – Jeuno / Cloister of Gales / Cloister of Storms / Cloister of Frost / Ifrit's Cauldron / Cloister of Flames / Quicksand Cave / Cloister of Tremors / Cloister of Tides / Gustav Tunnel / Labyrinth of Onzozo / Abyssea – Attohwa / Abyssea – Misareaux / Abyssea – Vunkerl / Abyssea – Altepa / Provenance / Airship / Rabao / Kazham / Hall of the Gods / Norg / Abyssea - Uleguerand / Abyssea – Grauberg / Abyssea – Empyreal Paradox / Western Adoulin / Eastern Adoulin / Rala Waterways / Yahse Hunting Grounds / Ceizak Battlegrounds / Foret de Hennetiel / Yorcia Weald / Morimar Basalt Fields / Marjami Ravine / Kamihr Drifts / Sih Gates / Moh Gates / Cirdas Caverns / Dho Gates/ Woh Gates / Outer Ra’Kaznar / Ra’Kaznar Inner Court / Ra'Kaznar Turris / Mog Garde / Leafalia / Mt. Kamihr / Celennia Memorial Library / Feretory / Escha – Zi'Tah / Escha – Ru'Aun / Desuetia – Empyreal Paradox / Reisenjima / Reisenjima Sanctorium
  • Improvements have been made to game controls for certain devices using Intel CPUs.

Resolved Issues[]

  • The issue with the item Agwu's Scythe wherein the attribute “Stalwart Soul”+30 was not functioning properly.
  • The issue with the Intense Ambuscade foe Bozzetto Hydrophile wherein certain actions did not function properly.
  • The issue wherein the icons for the following items were incorrect.
      23792 Ziamet Khud RareExclusive / 23793 Ziamet Peti RareExclusive / 23794 Ziamet Bazubands RareExclusive / 23795 Ziamet Salvars RareExclusive / 23796 Ziamet Nails RareExclusive
  • The issue wherein the rewards earned from the following Records of Eminence objectives were incorrect
      Lair Reives: Marjami Ravine / Lair Reives: Yorcia Weald

Known Issues[]

  • Divainy-Gamainy’s dialogue is incorrect under certain conditions.
  • The following items contain several graphical anomalies.
      Ziamet Khud / Ziamet Bazubands
  • The help text for the item crepuscular earring is incorrect.
  • The item Crepuscular Cloak erroneously states “Magic Atk. Bonus”+16 instead of “Magic Def. Bonus”+16.
    * The actual item attribute is functioning properly.
  • The following items has inconsistent help text wording.
      Crepuscular Scythe / Crepuscular Knife
