Enjoy the monthly updates to Ambuscade and experience several system adjustments.
- Records of Eminence has undergone the following additions and adjustments.
- The monthly Records of Eminence objectives have been swapped out.
- The counter for the monthly Records of Eminence objective Mog Garden Items (M) will now increment when selecting "Throw the item away."
- Ambuscade has undergone the following additions and adjustments.
- The foes in Normal and Intense Ambuscades have been swapped out.
* As such, the corresponding Records of Eminence objectives have changed.
- The foes in Normal and Intense Ambuscades have been swapped out.
- Certain items obtainable in exchange for hallmarks have been swapped out.
- Certain items obtainable for total hallmarks have been swapped out.
- Certain items obtainable in exchange for badges of gallantry have been swapped out.
Item Related[]
- New items have been added
- The following items may stored via the Porter Moogle.
- The following items may now be purchased with Conquest Points.
San d'Orian Flag / Bastokan Flag / Windurstian Flag
* These items can be purchased when you are mission rank 10 with your home nation, speak to a guard in your home nation, and select "Common Items (All Ranks)."
- UI elements for the new Assist Channel feature have been added.
* Functionality for this new feature is scheduled to be added in the November 2020 version update.
Resolved Issues[]
- The issue wherein visual effects for the ability Poison Breath use by hounds would not display under certain conditions.
- The issue with waypoints wherein settings related to “Accept destination confirmation” would not be properly saved.
- The issue wherein teleporting via waypoints would cause alter egos and pets to be left behind under certain conditions.
- The issue with exchanging conquest points wherein it would be possible to purchase the item Royal Guard’s Rod even when it should not be possible to do so.
- The issue with the quest The Brygid Cup wheren certain NPC dialogue would be incorrect when the quest was viewed via the Melody Mistrel under certain conditions.
English Version Only:
- Various issues with incorrect dialogue and item help text.
Known Issues[]
- In the Assault Saving Private Ryaaf, certain NPC dialogue is incorrect.
- In the Rhapsodies of Vana'diel mission The Orb's Radiance, players are unable to revive if they are defeated under certain conditions.
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