2020 September Update
≪September 10, 2020 (JST) Version Update≫
(quick link to new item details)

Experience the next entry in The Voracious Resurgence and enjoy updates to Ambuscade and Odyssey.


  • A new entry has been added to The Voracious Resurgence.
    2020 September Resurgence
    Receive the quest by speaking with Gumbah in Bastok Mines (J-7) after having completed the quest The Brygid Cup.
  • Records of Eminence has undergone the following additions and adjustments.
    • The monthly Records of Eminence objectives have been swapped out.
    • A new entry has been added to the Content: Odyssey category.
  • A new designation has been added.


  • Ambuscade has undergone the following additions and adjustments.
    • The foes in Normal and Intense Ambuscades have been swapped out.
      * As such, the corresponding Records of Eminence objectives have changed.
2020 September v1 Ambuscade
  • Certain items obtainable in exchange for hallmarks have been swapped out.
  • Certain items obtainable for total hallmarks have been swapped out.
  • Certain items obtainable in exchange for badges of gallantry have been swapped out.
  • Sheol C has been added to Odyssey.
    Sheol C provides materials different to those found in Sheols A and B. These materials may be used to augment equipment as described below.
Sheol C
  • Requirements
  • Be in possession of the moglophone key item.
  • Have completed the Records of Eminence objective Sheol B.
  • Enjoying the content.
    1. Examine the ??? in Rabao (G-6) and receive a moglophone key item.
    * A new moglophone may be obtained 20 hours later by reexamining the ???.

    2. While in possession of a moglophone key item, examine the Veridical Conflux in Rabao (G-6) and select “Sheol C: Lv. 129+”.)
    * Your moglophone will be consumed upon entry.
  • 1 to 6 Person Party
  • The time limit is 30 minutes.
  • Leaving Odyssey
  • Examine the Otherworldly Vortex in Sheol C.
  • Reach the time limit.
  • Have 3 minutes pass after having been wiped out.
  • Use the moglophone temporary item.
    * Players will automatically receive a moglophone temporary item upon entering Odyssey.

Item Related[]

Item Required
Synthesis Skill
Sandogasa +1 - Sandogasa, Sandogasa


  • The switch from the Dark Matter Arcane Glyptics Campaign to the Dark Matter Arcane Glyptics Gampaign – PLUS! has changed as follows.
    • On the day of the switchover, the number of times you may augment an item will increase even if you have already augmented items that day.
      * The number of times you may augment items per day during the Dark Matter Arcane Glyptics Campaign – PLUS! remains at 12.

Resolved Issues[]

  • [English Version Only] The issue with Odyssey wherein Moogle Mastery would not display properly when entering a Sheol.
  • The issue wherein augments would not apply properly to Ajax +1.
  • The issue with the quest The Gloom Phanton’s Approach wherein the event would not start under certain conditions.
    * The event will now only progress when traveling from Bastok Mines to the Zeruhn Mines.
  • The issue with certain monster resistances wherein multihit Blood Pacts would do less damage than intended.

Known Issues[]

  • In the quest The Brygid Cup, the judges’ remarks may not display properly under certain conditions.
