Experience a high-tier battlefield featuring Alexander, the monthly updates to Ambuscade, and job adjustments to red mages and puppetmasters.
- The monthly Records of Eminence objectives have been changed.
- A new designation has been added.
- A new high-tier battlefield has been added.
- ★Divine Interference
- Joining the fray
To enter the battlefield, players must possess a specific key item that can be purchased in exchange for merit points from one of the following NPCs.- Trisvain in Northern San d'Oria (J-7)
- Raving Opossum in Port Bastok (J-11)
- Mimble-Pimble in Port Windurst (L-5)
- Required Key Item for ★Divine Interference
- Joining the fray
- ★Divine Interference
Key Item Merit Points Required Divine phantom gem 10
- Entry Location, Boss, and Conditions for Entry
- Leaving the Battlefield
- Use the Veridical Conflux Shard Temporary item.
*You are provided with this item upon entry into the battlefield. - Reach the time limit.
*When Alexander has been vanquished, the time limit will be set to six minutes (Earth time).
- Use the Veridical Conflux Shard Temporary item.
- Ambuscade has undergone the following additions and adjustments.
- The foes in Normal and Intense Ambuscades have been swapped out.
* As such, the corresponding Records of Eminence objectives have changed. - Certain items obtainable in exchange for hallmarks have been swapped out.
- Some rewards obtainable for total hallmarks have been swapped out.
- Some rewards obtainable in exchange for badges of gallantry have been swapped out.
- The foes in Normal and Intense Ambuscades have been swapped out.
- The following jobs have undergone adjustments.
Pre-adjustment → Post-adjustments Dia III → Enfeebling Magic Duration Slow II → Magic Accuracy Paralyze II → Enhancing Magic Duration Phalanx II → Immunobreak Chance Bio III → En-spell Damage Blind II → Accuracy
- The following spells are now obtainable via scrolls.
* Those who have placed points in the applicable merit point categories prior to this version update do not need to relearn them.
Dia III / Slow II / Paralyze II / Phalanx II / Bio III / Blind II
- The following spells are now obtainable via scrolls.
- The duration of the white magic spell Phalanx II has been adjusted to 240 seconds.
- The duration of the white magic spell Dia III has been adjusted to 180 seconds.
- The duration of the black magic spell Bio III has been adjusted to 180 seconds.
- Puppetmaster
- The following attachments no longer consume maneuvers and instead cause burden based on the number of maneuvers.
Flame Holder / Ice Maker / Replicator / Economizer - The odds of an overload occurring now appear in the log when using a maneuver.
- The following attachments no longer consume maneuvers and instead cause burden based on the number of maneuvers.
- Puppetmaster
- New items have been added.
- A synthesis recipe for the Fisherman's Feast item has been added.
- The following augments have been changed.
Pre-adjustment → Post-adjustments Dia III Effect → Enfeebling Magic Duration Slow II Effect → Magic Accuracy Paralyze II Effect → Enhancing Magic Duration Phalanx II Effect → Immunobreak Chance Bio III Effect → En-spell Damage Blind II Effect → Accuracy
- The following augment help text has been adjusted.
*The effects of the augment remain unchanged.
Pre-adjustment → Post-adjustments Phalanx+ → Phalanx Received+
- The help text of the following items has been adjusted.
Economizer / Flame Holder / Ice Maker / Replicator - Hasim in Lower Jeuno (H-9) now sells the following scrolls.
Dia III / Slow II / Paralyze II / Phalanx II - Susu in Lower Jeuno (H-9) now sells the following scrolls.
Bio III / Blind II - The following items are now storable via the Porter Moogle.
- Adjustments have been made to Ambuscade in order to decrease waiting time.
Players will now enter either Maquette Abdhaljs – Legion A or Maquette Abdhaljs Legion B depending on how crowded Ambuscade is at a given time.
* Players will be assigned an instance area at the time of application.
* Players may not necessarily enter Ambuscade in the order in which their application was processed depending on the state of the instance to which they are assigned.
* The name of the instance area has no effect on the actual Ambuscade content.
Resolved Issues[]
- The issue in Dynamis – Divergence wherein the message stating that an item cannot be obtained was incorrect under certain circumstances.
- The issue wherein entering a battlefield from Selbina would display an improper difficulty under certain conditions.
- The issue wherein the effects of the augment Ancient Magic Magic Attack Bonus were incorrect.
- The issue wherein it was possible to start creating an aeonic weapon of the same name while in possession of an aeonic weapon that is augmented.
- The issue with the phantom gem exchange NPCs wherein the text displaying when checking your results was incorrect.
Known Issues[]
- The alter ego Iroha II will occasionally use improper action logic when casting the white magic spells Protectra V and Shellra V.
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