Each time you level up Puppetmaster, ensure you Deactivate and Activate your Automaton so its new level stats will take effect.
You may have up to three (3) elemental maneuvers active at the same time.
Each maneuver lasts 1 minute.
You must have an Animator, Turbo Animator, or Animator +1 equipped to use maneuvers.
If you toss your starting Animator, Iruki-Waraki will sell you a new one for 10,000 gil.
Be careful using elemental maneuvers, or you may Overload your Automaton.
You must have Automaton Attachments equipped for your Automaton to receive the effects of the attachments when using elemental maneuvers corresponding to the elements of the attachments. However, you still receive slight temporary stat increases for a particular stat of the elemental maneuver if no corresponding attachment is equipped.