Note #1: Les mobs aggro à la magie dans le Tombeau de Ru'Avitau donc tout le monde devra se munir de Poudre prismique et d'Huile motus, ou le ninjutsu équivalent: Shinobi-Tabi et Sanjaku-Tenugui, respectivement. Gigue spectrale fonctionne également si un joueur est Danseur en job principal ou en job de soutient. Note #2: Quelqu'un devra sûrement ouvrir la porte jaune pour que tout le monde puisse passer la porte. Le Monolithe le plus proche pour ouvrir cette porte jaune et sur cette carte est en 9/10-I/J du Tombeau de Ru'Avitau.
Allez vers le sud et suivez le chemin qui mène en J-7 après la première porte jaune.
Puis dirigez vous vers l'ouest après la seconde porte jaune vers la salle de contrôle avec 2 monolithes en H-7.
Utilisez une Poudre prismique et allez vers le sud pour arriver dans une pièce avec 2 Dark Elementals.
Vous n'avez plus besoin de Furtivité à partir d'ici.
Prenez à l'est ou à l'ouest et suivez les couloirs jusqu'à arriver dans une autre salle avec 2 Dark Elementals en H-10.
Dirigez vous vers le nord, puis descendez les escaliers vers Le Noeud céleste en H-9.
Il y a 4 portes au total dans Le Noeud céleste toutes avec le même nom; une après l'autre. La quatrième porte est la porte qui mène au BC. Ne l'ouvrez pas (la quatrième porte avec les sirènes dans la pièce) jusqu'à ce que vous soyez prêt à commencer. Il n'y a pas de Burning Circle sur lequel se tenir pour entrer.
Une fois prêts, entrez dans le champ de bataille. Une fois entrés, vous ne pouvez pas fuir le combat.
Si vous devez partir, mourrez. Après avoir été éjecté du BC vous réapparaîtrez à l'entrée du Noeud céleste. Si vous wipez, vous ne vous retrouverez pas à l'Antichambre des dieux.
Les Buffs s'enlève en entrant
Regardez la cutscene finale et préparez vous à combattre Eald'narche, qui a deux formes.
Note #3: Vous ne perdez pas d'expérience en mourant lors de ce combat. Donc si vous wipez, relevez vous et essayez encore
1ère Forme[]
When trying to establish hate, try using your enmity tools on Eald'narche instead of the Exoplates.
Orbitals x 2 - have ~130hp and if defeated; they are resummoned quickly. Berceuse works rarely (detector mobs are very resistant, but not entirely immune to it), but Sommeil is recommended due to being vastly more reliable.
Exoplates - the armor surrounding Eald'narche. It has about 10000 HP. It does not do melee attacks. Special attacks:
Fronde de Cronos : Eta: Attaque Conique physical damage (~300-600), absorbed by Utsusemi (2 ombres)
Gaea Stream: Single target(?) damage (~200), absorbed by Utsusemi
Headbutt is GREAT at stopping all of his ancient magic for both his first and second form, I highly recommend it.
Once the exoplates are gone he has only about 2000 HP.
Suggested strategy - have melee use 2 hour specials to quickly dispose of the Exoplates, while mages stay far enough to avoid being hit by Changement de phase. Sommeil the Orbitals as they're not worth attacking. After the Exoplates are gone it only takes a few hits to get Eald'narche to his second form. There is very little time to rest before the second form. Consequently, after the Exoplates are killed, do not immediately attack Eald'narche but rest and recover HP, MP, status (and raise weakness if need be) before finishing off the first stage of the fight.
Eald'narche can EASILY be tanked with /NIN by anyone with a strong hate tool (Provocation, Flash, Ninjustu spam, etc). Keep haste up on tanker.
Try to avoid doing anything to Eald'narche until the Exoplates are gone; in particular, pull the Orbitals away before using OmniSommeil. Let your tank get initial aggro and then tank that way.
Note that if all the frontliners do not have Utsusemi, burning down the Exoplates quickly as advised above will result in a lot of damage (and likely death) due to Changement de phase spam (which is triggered by Exoplates HP). A wiser approach in such a situation would be to do damage until just before triggering a Changement de phase, then have all melees turn around. Heal up, do damage to trigger the Changement de phase, recover from it, and proceed, repeating for each of the three Changement de phase.
If you wipe, don't bother to Revie; you will get aggro wherever you are on the battlefield.
2nd Forme[]
Second form Eald'narche is still pretty weak (~2500 HP), but more annoying.
He will teleport at the spot where you reappear after the CS within about 20-30 seconds. So be prepared to kite or not have anyone rest after CS.
He teleports around like Ark Angel TT.
In addition to his ancient magic and OmniSommeil II, he casts OmniEntrave (and other debuffs?)
He has a very high melee resistance cut damage by about 75% (Rampage for 200-250~).
He may also have 75% magic resistance (as Foudre IV was seen to consistently do ~300 damage)
All Tier II Ancient Magic damages this form of Eald'narch for 850~. Keep your tank alive and a BLM with Tier II Ancient Magic can kill Eald'narche on his/her own.
His melee attacks are Extremely fast, almost as fast as a Moine's Cent poings.
He also uses these special attacks:
Vortex: 20'(?)AoE low damage (~100), Terreur and Entrave, absorbed by Utsusemi
Explosion stellaire: AoE low damage (~100) and Silence, absorbed by Utsusemi
Omega Javelin: Single target damage (~150) and Pétrification, absorbed by Utsusemi
Tanking is hard, hate seems to moves around randomly. (Jan 27th, 2008 - Tanking was very easy both times this was completed; hate never wavered off of tank using the above Tier II Ancient Magic method.)
Eat Poison Potions and consider stunning some spells.
This battlefield becomes very easy if all players sub Ninja (including mages). Utsusemi can negate a lot of the damaging TP attacks and spells.
Ealdadork is a little difficult. I went 1/4 on him. I find that having a SMN in the group helps with the DD, a BLM is a must because of the gunpods that pop. Need to have a well geared tank and heavy DD and a refresher. That's the safest way to kill him.
After dieing here we experienced no exp loss from raises
You do not have to be living to complete this mission. Our entire pt died but thanks to some extreme luck, that luck being that Disseverment's poison is strong and Eald'narche's hp is very low, he died in the 3 minutes before we were ejected from the battlefield, winning us the fight. §Kavik of Titan Feb 23,2008§
After the final cutscene, you appear in Hall of the Gods.
Description dans le jeu[]
Ordres de mission
Le sort de Vana'diel vous attend dans le nœud céleste !