
Aperçu du job

Mage bleu

Après avoir fini la quête Soif de puissance, un Mage Bleu (BLU) peut utiliser les arts légendaires de Aht Urhgan. Ces formidables mages-combattants utilisent avec élégance des lames courbées pour le combat rapproché, tout en déciment leurs ennemies de loin avec des magies acquisent sur leurs opposants.

Aptitudes de Job

Niveau  Nom
01  Sagesse d'azur
25  Lien d'explosions
40  Lien de chaînes
75 (Mérite)  Convergence
75 (Mérite)  Diffusion

Caractéristiques de Job

Niveau  Nom
75 (Mérite)  Enchaînement
75 (Mérite)  Assimilation

*Voir Mage Bleu Caractéristiques de Job pour une liste des caractéristiques de job gagnées par combinaison de sorts.

Magie Bleue

Article principal: Magie Bleue

Acquérir des Magies Bleues

  • Le Mage Bleu peut apprendre des aptitudes spéciales (connues comme Magies Bleues) utilisées par les monstres que vous tuez.
  • Mage Bleu doit être en job principal.
  • Le monstre doit utiliser l'aptitude lors du combat.
  • Les sorts de Magie Bleue peuvent être appris avec un niveau de 27 ou moins en dessous du niveau limite de compétences de Magie Bleue selon le niveau du sort à acquérir. Une compétence de Magie Bleue à son niveau limite est nécessaire pour apprendre les sorts aussi vite que possible. Voir Compétences de Magie Bleue pour une explication en détail de cette mécanique de jeu.
  • Le Mage Bleu ne doit pas être mit KO avant que le monstre soit vaincu.
  • Il est possible d'apprendre des sorts de monstres qui sont "sans valeur" pour votre niveau.
  • Il est possible d'apprendre des sorts sur des monstres qui attaquent une personne hors de l'équipe si vous avez revendiqué le combat (nom du monstre inscrit en rouge).
  • Il est possible d'apprendre des sorts depuis des BCNM, Siège, Assaut et Exhumation.
  • Il n'est pas nécessaire d'être la cible d'une aptitude spéciale d'un monstre afin de l'apprendre.
  • Il est impossible d'apprendre une Magie Bleu si l'Appel à l'aide a été enclenché sur le monstre.

Utiliser des Magies Bleues

  • Contrairement aux autres sorts magiques, il est impossible au Mage Bleu d'utiliser la Magie Bleue aussitôt qu'il l'acquiert et d'en disposer librement. Avant tout, les sorts que vous souhaitez utiliser doivent être fixés.
  1. Points Totaux/Maximum. Chaques Magies Bleues ont des points assignables (Points de Magie Bleue). Le niveau du Mage Bleu détermine le nombre de points de Magie Bleue maximum disponible afin de fixer les sorts.
  2. Nombre maximum de sorts fixés. Le nombre maximum de sorts de Magie Bleue qui peuvent être fixés est déterminé par le niveau du Mage Bleu. Ce nombre maximum peut diminuer quand le Mage Bleu est sous un niveau de restriction et par conséquent le nombre de sorts fixables ont des couleurs assignés au niveau pour mieux s'y réferer.

Limites des Magies Bleues

Niveau Points de Magies Bleues Maximum de sorts fixables
1 - 10 10 6
11 - 20 15 8
21 - 30 20 10
31 - 40 25 12
41 - 50 30 14
51 - 60 35 16
61 - 70 40 18
71 - 75 45 20

Liste des Sorts

Niveau  Sort  Genre
1  Trombe de sable M
1  Pollen M
1  Coup de patte S
4  Attaque en force B
4  Germe gifleur B
4  Germination P
8  Corps métallique M
8  Cocon M
8  Champi-nausée P
12  Danse de combat S
12  Coup de tête B
12  Déluge de plumes P
16  Plongée en enfer B
16  Brise curative M
16  Chant ovin M
18  Matraque B
18  Sphère de maléfice M

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Transhumanist Explains His Invention

Prison Planet.com July 12, 2013 A man decided he wanted bionic ears, so he modified them. 
[Transhumanist Explains His Invention ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply

Thats a good cause. Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com August 20, 2013 A new man on the street video produced by media critic Mark Dice shows Obama supporters in California eagerly signing a petition to add cancer-causing carcinogens to the water supply in the name of aiding the Presidents Obamacare program. Carcinogens are any substance that causes ...
[Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks

RT October 29, 2013 British Prime Minister David Cameron has issued a veiled threat against media organizations, calling on The Guardian and other outlets to stop publishing the disclosures leaked by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Guardian first began its ongoing series based on the Snowden leaks in June, when far-reaching clandestine activity of ...
[Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

18  Obus M
20  Suceur de sang M
20  Cyclone griffu S
22  Haleine souillée M

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Transhumanist Explains His Invention

Prison Planet.com July 12, 2013 A man decided he wanted bionic ears, so he modified them. 
[Transhumanist Explains His Invention ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply

Thats a good cause. Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com August 20, 2013 A new man on the street video produced by media critic Mark Dice shows Obama supporters in California eagerly signing a petition to add cancer-causing carcinogens to the water supply in the name of aiding the Presidents Obamacare program. Carcinogens are any substance that causes ...
[Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks

RT October 29, 2013 British Prime Minister David Cameron has issued a veiled threat against media organizations, calling on The Guardian and other outlets to stop publishing the disclosures leaked by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Guardian first began its ongoing series based on the Snowden leaks in June, when far-reaching clandestine activity of ...
[Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

24  Somnifère M
26  Tournevis P
28  Lancer de bombe M
30  Carotte sauvage M
Niveau  Sort  Genre
30  Grande claque B
32  Rafale de son M
32  Oeil de chaos M
34  Rayon de la mort M
34  Coup de rage S
36  Digestion M
36  Bombe conifère P
38  Regard vide M
38  Jet-stream B
38  Uppercut B
40  Eclat mystérieux M
40  Toucher de terreur B
42  Conque de venin M

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Transhumanist Explains His Invention

Prison Planet.com July 12, 2013 A man decided he wanted bionic ears, so he modified them. 
[Transhumanist Explains His Invention ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply

Thats a good cause. Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com August 20, 2013 A new man on the street video produced by media critic Mark Dice shows Obama supporters in California eagerly signing a petition to add cancer-causing carcinogens to the water supply in the name of aiding the Presidents Obamacare program. Carcinogens are any substance that causes ...
[Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks

RT October 29, 2013 British Prime Minister David Cameron has issued a veiled threat against media organizations, calling on The Guardian and other outlets to stop publishing the disclosures leaked by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Guardian first began its ongoing series based on the Snowden leaks in June, when far-reaching clandestine activity of ...
[Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

42  Succion de MP M
44  Blitzstrahl M
44  Gaz puant M
44  Mandibule S
46  Nuage magnétique M
46  Mur Geist M
46  Oeil damné M

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Transhumanist Explains His Invention

Prison Planet.com July 12, 2013 A man decided he wanted bionic ears, so he modified them. 
[Transhumanist Explains His Invention ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply

Thats a good cause. Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com August 20, 2013 A new man on the street video produced by media critic Mark Dice shows Obama supporters in California eagerly signing a petition to add cancer-causing carcinogens to the water supply in the name of aiding the Presidents Obamacare program. Carcinogens are any substance that causes ...
[Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks

RT October 29, 2013 British Prime Minister David Cameron has issued a veiled threat against media organizations, calling on The Guardian and other outlets to stop publishing the disclosures leaked by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Guardian first began its ongoing series based on the Snowden leaks in June, when far-reaching clandestine activity of ...
[Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

48  Ravitaillement M
48  Sabre ensanglanté M
48  Entaille de faucille B
48  Jettatura M
50  Rupture de glace M
Niveau  Sort  Genre
50  Auto-destruction M
50  Grogne effroyable M
52  Vague de froid M
52  Prise filandreuse M
54  Vague hécatombe M
54  Souffle radiant M
56  Barrière de plumes M
58  Fruit magique M
58  Prise aérienne M
58  Lumière de pénitence M
60  Ciseaux mortels S
60  Distorsion fatale B
61  Maëlstrom M

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Transhumanist Explains His Invention

Prison Planet.com July 12, 2013 A man decided he wanted bionic ears, so he modified them. 
[Transhumanist Explains His Invention ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply

Thats a good cause. Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com August 20, 2013 A new man on the street video produced by media critic Mark Dice shows Obama supporters in California eagerly signing a petition to add cancer-causing carcinogens to the water supply in the name of aiding the Presidents Obamacare program. Carcinogens are any substance that causes ...
[Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks

RT October 29, 2013 British Prime Minister David Cameron has issued a veiled threat against media organizations, calling on The Guardian and other outlets to stop publishing the disclosures leaked by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Guardian first began its ongoing series based on the Snowden leaks in June, when far-reaching clandestine activity of ...
[Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

61  Eyes On Me M
61  Mauvaise haleine M
62  Memento Mori M
62  Charge physique B
62  1000 épines M
63  Taillade spinal S
63  Griffes effrénées B
63  Poêle à frire B
63  Hydro-coup B
64  Chatouillement M
64  Baîllement M
64  Trompe vorace M
Niveau  Sort  Genre
65  Infrasonique M
65  Mante de Zephyr M
66  Souffle de glace M
66  Aspersion de sable M
67  Peau de diamant M
67  Amollissement M
68  Echauffement M
68  Crachat embrasé M
69  Gifle caudale B
69  Barrage hystérique B
70  Amplification M

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Transhumanist Explains His Invention

Prison Planet.com July 12, 2013 A man decided he wanted bionic ears, so he modified them. 
[Transhumanist Explains His Invention ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply

Thats a good cause. Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com August 20, 2013 A new man on the street video produced by media critic Mark Dice shows Obama supporters in California eagerly signing a petition to add cancer-causing carcinogens to the water supply in the name of aiding the Presidents Obamacare program. Carcinogens are any substance that causes ...
[Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks

RT October 29, 2013 British Prime Minister David Cameron has issued a veiled threat against media organizations, calling on The Guardian and other outlets to stop publishing the disclosures leaked by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Guardian first began its ongoing series based on the Snowden leaks in June, when far-reaching clandestine activity of ...
[Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

70  Canon B
71  Beuglement M
71  Souffle chaud M
72  Ecartèlement P
72  Manteau salin M
73  Coup du bélier B
73  Explosion mentale M
73  Décalage temporel M
74  Eclat actinique M
74  Marteau magique M
74  Cryoréacteur M
75  Exuviation M
75  Charge de plasma M


 Fente verticale


99 Croissant barbelé ?
M  Magique B Ecrasant P  Perçant S  Coupant
M  Magie de lumière M  Magie de feu M  Magie de foudre M  Magie du vent
M  Magie des ténèbres M  Magie de terre M

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Transhumanist Explains His Invention

Prison Planet.com July 12, 2013 A man decided he wanted bionic ears, so he modified them. 
[Transhumanist Explains His Invention ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply

Thats a good cause. Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com August 20, 2013 A new man on the street video produced by media critic Mark Dice shows Obama supporters in California eagerly signing a petition to add cancer-causing carcinogens to the water supply in the name of aiding the Presidents Obamacare program. Carcinogens are any substance that causes ...
[Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks

RT October 29, 2013 British Prime Minister David Cameron has issued a veiled threat against media organizations, calling on The Guardian and other outlets to stop publishing the disclosures leaked by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Guardian first began its ongoing series based on the Snowden leaks in June, when far-reaching clandestine activity of ...
[Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

 Magie d'eau

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording

The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording. According to the Michigan based Illuminating Concepts, the systems main benefits include energy management, security and entertainment. The Las Vegas setup includes such ...
[Las Vegas Installs Intellistreets Light Fixtures Capable Of Video Recording]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Transhumanist Explains His Invention

Prison Planet.com July 12, 2013 A man decided he wanted bionic ears, so he modified them. 
[Transhumanist Explains His Invention ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply

Thats a good cause. Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com August 20, 2013 A new man on the street video produced by media critic Mark Dice shows Obama supporters in California eagerly signing a petition to add cancer-causing carcinogens to the water supply in the name of aiding the Presidents Obamacare program. Carcinogens are any substance that causes ...
[Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Put Carcinogens in the Water Supply ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks

RT October 29, 2013 British Prime Minister David Cameron has issued a veiled threat against media organizations, calling on The Guardian and other outlets to stop publishing the disclosures leaked by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Guardian first began its ongoing series based on the Snowden leaks in June, when far-reaching clandestine activity of ...
[Cameron hints at tougher measures if media continues publishing Snowden leaks ]

['.GetDomainName().' - news, stories, articles]

M  Magie de glace

Notes de Compétences d'armes

 Compétences Note de compétence Limite au niveau 1 Limite au niveau 37 Limite au niveau 75
 Epée A- 6 114 269
 Massue B- 5 109 240
 Esquive C- 5 105 220
 Parade D 4 101 210

Notes de Compétences de magies

 Skill Note de compétence Limite au niveau 1 Limite au niveau 37 Limite au niveau 80
 Magie Bleue A+ 6 114 301

Voir les limites de compétences Mage Bleu pour connaître en fonction du niveau quelles compétences d'armes sont accessibles.

Equipements Artefact

Tenue Artefact
Niveau Artefact
40  Cimeterre Immortel
52  Charuq de magus
54  Shalwar de magus
56  Bazuband magus
58  Jubbah de magus
60  Keffiyeh de magus
Tenue Artefect +1
Niveau Artefact
74  Keffiyeh de magus +1
74  Jubbah de magus +1
74  Bazuband magus +1
74  Shalwar de magus +1
74  Charuq de magus +1
Tenue Relique
Niveau Relique
70 keffiyeh azur
71  Charuq azur
72 shalwar azur
73 bazuband azur
74  Jubbah azur
Tenue Relique +1
Niveau Relique
75  Jubbah azur +1
75  Charuq azur +1

Guides Mage Bleu


Barde | Chasseur | Chevalier Dragon | Chevalier Noir | Corsaire | Danseur | Dresseur | Érudit | Guerrier | Invocateur | Mage Blanc | Mage Bleu | Mage Noir | Mage Rouge | Marionnettiste | Moine | Ninja | Paladin | Samouraï | Voleur